Phonaesthemic and Etymological effects on the Distribution of Senses in Statistical Models of Semantics

TitlePhonaesthemic and Etymological effects on the Distribution of Senses in Statistical Models of Semantics
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBoussidan, A, Sagi, E, Ploux, S
EditorPeirsman, Y, Versley, Y, Van de Cruys, T
Conference NameProceedings of the Cognitive Science Conference 2009 Workshop on Distributional Semantics beyond Concrete Concepts
Conference LocationAmsterdam, Netherlands

This paper uses methods based on corpus statistics and synonymy to explore the role language history and sound/form relationships play in conceptual organization through a case study relating the phonaestheme gl- to its prevalent Proto-Indo European root, *ghel. The results of both methods point to a strong link between the phonaestheme and the historical root, suggesting that the lineage of a language plays an important role in the distribution of linguistic meaning. The implications of these findings are discussed.
